Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Historic Turkey Day

I know that most of you, while digging into your delicious feasts, stopped for a second and thought, "I wonder how Dave and Matt's Thanksgivings are going?". Well, since we knew you probably did that, we figured we would upload this little video to show you that we did in fact have a Thanksgiving meal and it was in fact delicious! We were able to go to another Jgirl's parent's house about 2hrs. away and eat a Thanksgiving "Lupper" with her family. Then, we went to her aunt's house and had desserts! It was a great time of relaxing and enjoying a substitute family atmosphere over the holiday. We miss you guys, but know that we "ate through the pain" just as if we were at home!

1 comment:

Andrew Polk said...

The video was lovely. Dave, you made me laugh. Hope all is well.