Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life in Glorious VA

(The view from me and Matt's back porch)

Well friends, we made to Virginia!
  After a somewhat laid back orientation the first week things are definitely kicking into high gear!  Each day we typically sit in some type of meeting from about 8am to 3 or 4 in the afternoon.  After dinner in the cafeteria we usually do some homework, hangout, do more assignments, and do some sort of physical activity.  Weekends are more relaxed, but this weekend we will be spending from 9-5 in a ESL certification class!  And next weekend too!  Wow.  But, this is something that we both know we need and will help us with our ultimate goal, so its alright.  The Father has been so good to provide us with some great training even in these first two weeks.  We can both approach our time in Southeast Asia with a new confidence having the tools we will get here over the next two months.  
Please be lifting up our time here, that both Matt and I would glorify the Father in everything we say and do.  Also, that we would soak up all the knowledge and training that He has to teach us during this time.  From here on, "to whom much is given, much is required" so also lift up for us the obedience to put all this training into practice when we get on the field.
Thanks again for your support and thoughts.  We sent our first update newsletter last night, so if you did not get it today and thought you should have, please email us at and we will put you on the list.


D C Bryant said...

That's exciting guys! I'll be asking that you both have tons of energy to focus on your ESL studies and other homework.
PS - The view is pretty amazing! I bet it's nice for you Dave to sit on the porch with your coffee and stare at nature around you.

Andrew Polk said...

That is some good looking fog. At least < 3/4 of a mile vis.

Also, I watched a Glorietta video the other day and realized how awesome you are.