Well, I bet you are wondering about the weird name for our blog. I could just say, "It's a SE Asia thing, you wouldn't understand" like those old Jeep stickers. But since I hate those stickers, I will explain it to you.
Lucky Burger is a popular fast food chain in SE Asia, it is kind of like McDonald's Asian style. It is also one of the only fast food chains in the city we are going to be living in. As you know, a lack of competition can lead to complacency in menu and quality. That being said, I happen to really like Lucky Burger. When my team was overseas a couple of summers ago, we hit up Lucky Burger when we needed to have something resembling a Big Mac and it served us well.
So, that is the reason for the blog name, and because it kind of rolls of your tongue when you say it. One piece of advice though: stay away from the chili dogs...(not many people eat chili in 100% humidity, thus old chili tends to be served)